Berger & Luckmann
Page: 1 Entered: 1 Sep, 2015 Modified: 1 Sep, 2015 Habitualization and institutionalization in themselves limit the flexibility of human actions. Institutions tend to persist unless they become ÔproblematicÕ. Ultimate legitimations inevitably strengthen this tendency. The more abstract the legitimations are, the less likely they are to be modified in accordance with changing pragmatic exigencies. If there is a tendency to go on as before anyway, the tendency is obviously strengthened by having excellent reasons for doing so. This means that institutions may persist even when, to an outside observer, they have lost their original functionality or practicality. One does certain things not because they work, but because they are right Ð right, that is, in terms of the ultimate definitions of reality promulgated by the universal experts. (Berger and Luckmann, Social Construction of Reality)
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