The paradigm described here is intended to AUGMENT rather than replace the conventional one - by enabling us to draw due benefits from the knowledge the prevailing paradigm has produced. Other paradigms can then also be developed - click to view the article Design Epistemology
Page: 1 Entered: 11 Sep, 2015 Modified: 11 Sep, 2015 "The liberation from the view that only one way of making sense of experience is legitimate (the one that Òcorresponds to realityÓ), which follows from the results of 20th century science and philosophy, puts us into a position to consciously choose and assign a purpose to the creation of meaning; and based on that choice, to develop completely new modes of information, to suit each chosen purpose. We present an instance of this approach, where information and knowledge work are considered as key societal systemic components, and then designed as it may best suit the various functions that pertain to this role, notably the function of illuminating the way to all other systemic self-organization. Design epistemology provides an academic foundation for this approach; the Knowledge Federation community implements it in practice." (Abstract)
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