About this map
Page: 1 Entered: 5 Oct, 2015 Modified: 6 Oct, 2015 The purpose of this map is to re-contextualize ideas and action. Without such re-contextualization, we are stuck with the coordinate system of the status quo Ð and with fitting change initiatives into the existing order of things. With the map, we have a way to create a whole new order . Think of the view you see here as the generic map of a country Ð the grid, contours and main landmarks such as cities and rivers. Think of the specific views provided on the left as the physical, political, climatological and other special-purpose maps. The metaphor of the tree is used to symbolize combining selected historical insights (as a tree draws nutrients from the soil) and turning them into change-enabling insights and projects (depicted as apples). Each apple is a prototype; the red ones have already been embedded in institutional reality, working toward change, and testing ideas in practice. The prototypes are ordered from left to right in the order of increasing concreteness Ð from concept definitions on the far left, to institutional prototypes on the far right. The order from down to up is in the increasing level of precision or specialization Ð from completely general prototypes such as Polyscopic Modeling and Knowledge Federation, to completely specific such as book projects and specific federation projects. The historical or high-level insights are coded by the names of people who may best represent them. The keyword H.insight should also associate of hindsight Ð since in hindsight, those people were telling us something truly essential, if only we were alert enough to listen. The mouseover will give you a rough idea of the message or function of each prototype and H.insight. As hyperlinks, they will lead you to corresponding Debategraph nodes, where the details are explained, and where linking and commenting is possible. One of the intended effects of this map is to show that we truly don't communicate and don't know how to take advantage of available knowledge. The result is (as shown in the Sustainability map) that we remain the homo ludens, where we should most urgently become the homo sapiens.
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