About this view
Page: 1 Entered: 6 Oct, 2015 Modified: 6 Oct, 2015 In a nutshell, the message that should emerge from this exploration is that unsustainability is now mandating a (what we might call) RE-EVOLUTIONARY step Ð which is of course what the 21st Century Enlightenment of course is all about. From the nature of our situation we may then deduce what sort of changes in our knowledge and knowledge work might be needed. PolyScopy emerges as an approach to knowledge that suits our next phase of evolution, just as much as the prevailing approaches served the 'traditional' or the 'homo ludens' evolution. This view will also show that the improvements that are reachable along an informed way of living and evolving (where information serves to see and improve our institutional and other structures, and not to socialize us to reify them) can be large enough to bring us into an Industrial Revolution-like progress, albeit in a completely new direction. The prototypes presented here will suggest the kind of action that might enable such course of development. The
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